Change your life with us!
Here's a Breakdown of Our Classes...
Wondering what to expect? Just read below.
Part 1: Stretching
Its time to stretch! This gives you a chance to warm up and focus on loosening your muscles and getting ready for...PART 2!
Part 2: Conditioning
We start class off with a flurry of awesome exercises, like: squats, lunges, jumping squats, double lunges, pushups, crunches, burpies, and a ton more. You'll get an insane workout from head to toe, and burn more calories than you can count!
Part 3: Bag Work aka The Fun Part
Your muscles are stretched out, warmed up, and ready to go. Time to strap on your gloves and start workin' the heavy bag! You'll learn fun, exciting combinations of punches and kicks, and get an amazing workout practicing them on the heavy bag. Release your stress, burn calories, and fight the fat!